Get in touch
Milan Zocher Jr.
+420 603 971 173
Eduard Dylyn
+420 608 882 029

Let's get
in touch

There are many ways to connect. Contact us directly or define your preferred method of contact and our specialists will get in touch with you.

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Ozveme se vám.
Něco je špatně, zkuste to prosím znovu.

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We'd love to meet you for a cup of Nespresso in our office and go through everything on a clear screen in person.

san fransisco office

V Bloku - A

Peroutkova 570/83
158 00 Praha 5
Invoicing data, s.r.o.
Peroutkova 531/81
158 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic

Business ID No.: 211 85 531

File number: C 397883/MSPH Municipal Court in Prague

Based on the license: real estate broker according to 66-042-M MMR-42303/2016, the executive of the company.

Insurance of professional liability of a real estate agent up to the amount of 20.000.000,-CZK

Bank details
Raiffeisenbank a.s.
Account number: 33333987 / 5500
Bank code: 5500
IBAN: CZ8055000000000033333987
People & Team

We are here to deliver a better future for our clients
Milan Zocher Jr.

CEO | Real estate specialist
+420 603 971 173
Eduard Dylyn

Partner | Real estate specialist
+420 608 882 029
Bc. Alena Kokstein

Shareholder | Finance dept.
Gabriella Docche

Real estate specialist Dubai | UAE
Bilal Alirksoussi

Real estate specialist Dubai | UAE
Myriam Gassoumi

Visas | Company formations | Relocation
Petr Honzátko


Filip Doskočil

UX/UI designer

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about buying a real estate project through

Will I incur any costs or liabilities if I request an offer?

Receiving an offer on your new property in Dubai from is free and comes with no obligation on your part.

Is investing in Dubai safe?

Yes, it is. The safety of your money is taken care of directly by the state-run Cadastral Office, which is the regulatory body for the local real estate market. It makes sure that all transactions are transparent, safe and fair. It monitors the balance sheets of developers, their performance, the fulfilment of obligations to clients, etc. In short, it makes sure that real estate in Dubai is an easy and carefree way to value your money. For more information about the office, visit their website: (

Who will take care of my property in Dubai?

Our property management partners (KeysPlease and Primestay) will provide you with an all-inclusive service for the rental and maintenance of your property. They will make sure that your rental property runs smoothly and ensure that your property is maintained technically and aesthetically without you having to worry at all. This way, you will get passive income from your property in Dubai every month.

Are you interested in many more reasons why Dubai?

Fakturační údaje, s.r.o.
Peroutkova 531/81
158 00 Praha 5
Česká republika

IČO: 21185531

Spisová značka C 397883 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze

Bankovní spojení

Reiffesen Bank  a.s.
Číslo účtu: 33333987/ 5500

IBAN: 9088 9789 9979 8980
SWIFT: 9088 9789 9979 8980